
Live The Longevity Lifestyle

Life Challenge: Change Your Life In 10 Days (2023)

Two people working out together

Do you want to change your life but don’t know how? Do you feel like you’re stuck in a rut and can’t seem to get out of a bad life? Are you eating fast food as part of your daily routine? Are you looking for a new challenge and a positive change? If so, then […]

Okinawa Diet: This Island’s Secret To Long Life (2023)

Okinawa Diet Blue Zone

What is the Okinawa Diet and what is the secret that can help you to live longer?  Okinawa has the highest concentration of centenarians in the world. As of 2016, there were 34 centenarians per 100,000 people living on the island. Okinawa is considered one of the ‘Blue Zones’ and is known for a traditional […]